How satisfied are you with your businesses ability to manage change to improve performance this year? It could assist with determining the answer to this question by asking yourself the following. What were the really important changes your organization needed that you identified at the start of the year and are you pleased with the results? When you look at your Key Performance Indicators are you satisfied with progress toward your goals? If you are not satisfied what are you going to do differently next year?
I suggest that this is a great topic of discussion for the leadership team to consider. Process the question by seeing if the team is satisfied with progress in the two areas I mentioned. If not, brainstorm options for what will be different next year. You would get the most out of this process by using an experienced facilitator to assist with this very important activity. Options that could be considered: hiring a person with experience implementing change, another could be to use a change consultant and I am sure there are other alternatives. Discuss each and prioritize the list. Select the option at the top and then pursue it. Should you consider one of the options I suggested, look for people being considered should have a wide range of tools, techniques and methodologies for managing change and have proven experience with using them effectively.
Any options that will require an investment should be included in your budgeting process for 2014.
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