EQ Consulting Services http://www.eqcs.net Jim Rose Fri, 06 Mar 2015 16:00:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.2 Holly Yalove – CMO at VIEO Design http://www.eqcs.net/2012/02/testimonial-6/ http://www.eqcs.net/2012/02/testimonial-6/#respond Wed, 22 Feb 2012 21:43:38 +0000 http://www.eqcs.net/?p=672 When we started working with Jim Rose, we were a great little company with some real challenges in areas around managing growth and internal process improvement.
Jim had been recommended to us by the President of a medium-sized non-profit organization who was aware of our struggles and had found his services to be critical to their success.
We’re so grateful for that recommendation! Jim helped us to put greater structure and purpose into our improvement efforts, and taught us a lot about how we can work together more smoothly and effectively.
We couldn’t recommend Jim Rose strongly enough to any business or organization that wants to grow and improve.

Thank you, Jim!
Mac Bartine, COO & Holly Yalove, CMO
VIEO Design, LLC

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Pamela Wolf – CEO and Founder of Harmony Adoptions http://www.eqcs.net/2012/02/testimonial-5/ http://www.eqcs.net/2012/02/testimonial-5/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2012 15:53:44 +0000 http://www.eqcs.net/?p=578 “To put it simply, Jim’s methodologies work.  And there is no one better than Jim to help guide you through a customized process that works for your organization”


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Mark Ward – President of Ward Adhesives http://www.eqcs.net/2011/09/testimonial-4/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:02:35 +0000 http://dev.vieodesign.com/jimrose/?p=156 “Jim has developed and employs a Strategic Planning Model that we use to guide our leadership team in providing direction for our business. His process forces our leadership team to focus their efforts on strategically important activities. Jim’s model not only ensures that you have the appropriate vision and strategies for the business but also the tactical actions to implement those strategies Another thing we like about the model is that it eliminates the need for the traditional annual strategic planning process. Our leadership team now meets monthly to make the appropriate adjustments to the plan and monitor implementation to ensure success.

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Crista Peterson – Owner at White Lace and Promises http://www.eqcs.net/2011/09/testimonial-3/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:01:28 +0000 http://dev.vieodesign.com/jimrose/?p=154 “Jim reviewed our current situation and helped us to develop a vision of where we wanted to be. He helped us create and implement a strategic business plan that encompassed every aspect of our business including our current facilities, inventory, staff, sales processes, and marketing program. Following the implementation of these programs, Jim also created a system of follow-up and monitoring to ensure the continuation of these programs and improved success for our business.

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William G. Meany – Vice President and Resident Manager of Ponderay Newsprint Company http://www.eqcs.net/2011/09/testimonial-2/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:00:35 +0000 http://dev.vieodesign.com/jimrose/?p=152 “Jim Rose has consulted with us on organizational and management issues since the inception of our plant. Working with Jim, the mill leadership has developed a “unique management process” for the hourly workforce teams as well as the mill management team. This system is very focused and results oriented and has built in accountability. This planning process was key in making us the world leader in it’s field today.

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Celeste Martin – Vice President of Color and Glass Performance Materials http://www.eqcs.net/2011/09/testimonial-1/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:59:51 +0000 http://dev.vieodesign.com/jimrose/?p=150 “Jim was effective in shifting my leadership team from more tactical discussions to more strategic in nature. This was very valuable since the group was widely geographically spread, and I wanted the greatest return possible on the one day per month we allocated for our team meeting. In fact, Jim adroitly managed to facilitate across the many cultures my global team contained, including French, German, American, British, Mexican, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese backgrounds. In addition we were integrating two very different company cultures following a recent acquisition.”

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