Jim Rose
EQ Consulting Services
611 Bear Den Road
Townsend, TN  37882


Case Study: The Strategic Planning Process

A New Direction at Ponderay Newsprint Company

This planning process was key in making Ponderay Newsprint Company the world leader in our field that we are today. – Bill Meany, VP of Ponderay Newsprint Company

He’s referring to my 6-step process, which includes:

1. Vision
2. Strategies
3. Measures
4. Initiatives
5. Implement
6. Monitor

When the Ponderay Newsprint Company asked me to help them lead a shift toward a teamwork in their operations, I started with the leadership team. Each company’s strategic planning process is unique to their goals, and Ponderay was no exception.

You will learn how I worked with the 200+ employees of Ponderay to bring a new sense of teamwork to a large newsprint mill with a self-directed workforce.

Fill out the form to learn how we made it happen >>

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