Jim Rose
EQ Consulting Services
611 Bear Den Road
Townsend, TN  37882



There are few things more rewarding to me than seeing organizations make great progress as they strive to achieve their vision.  That’s the passion and the motivation that pushes me every day, as I help my clients make quantum leap gains in their organizational processes!

I really love my job as a change consultant who assists leaders with manifesting their dreams.  Sometimes all it takes is a new process, a new way of thinking, a new set of eyes on the problem, and that’s where I can help.  I’ve developed a wide range of proven tools, techniques and methodologies to help you and your company get to the “next level” that may seem out of reach right now.

My process focuses on both the strategic and the tactical aspects of a Strategic Plan.  You don’t want a consultant to come in with some theory that doesn’t work and then leave you hanging.  I roll up my sleeves right along with you and I won’t stop until we are moving in the right direction — together.

My background makes me very qualified to help you:

  • More than 30 years in engineering, production, leadership and change management for a Fortune 100 company, ALCOA.
  • Personal study with both Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Joseph M. Juran, the world’s foremost pioneering authorities in change leadership.
  • Formal on-sight change leadership studies in Japan and the US.
  • More than 15 years of successful change leadership consulting with a diverse group of manufacturing and service-based clients ranging from start-ups to large, international manufacturing companies.

Passion, experience, and qualifications alone aren’t enough to earn your business.  Give me a chance to show you.  I’m so confident I can help you make a step-change in your company, I offer a satisfaction guarantee.  I can do this with confidence because of the history of success and customer delight I’ve achieved with my customers both throughout the US and in other countries.

I look forward to hearing about your dreams and challenges soon!  Drop me a note to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

Contact Jim Rose

-Jim Rose