The vision is the first step in my model, is a combination of documents that describe what an organization is striving to achieve. I frequently hear the question asked “is the high level vision or the tactical aspect of a Strategic Plan more important”. My opinion is that both are critical. My process starts with developing the appropriate Vision documents.
There are multiple documents that could be developed and there are no standard definitions for the various terms used to describe them. What one group might call a mission; another might call a purpose. I recommend developing three documents that will collectively comprise the Vision. The following are the terms along with their definitions that I have been using with clients for fifteen years and they are pleased with this approach.
Mission: Why the organization exists.
It is usually one or two sentences. Examples from other companies can be found in books and on the Internet to serve as guides. Knowing how documents will be used is important in their design. This is a document that will be used primarily outside the organization with both current and potential clients.
Values: Guides for how business is to be conducted
They include things like teamwork, innovation, integrity, etc. Again, examples can be found in books and on the Internet. I recommend identifying multiple possibilities but ultimately deciding which are the 6-7 most important. Do not include ones that just “sound good”. It is critical that once identified they are become the culture. They are descriptors of what you either have or are striving to achieve. These rarely change. The primary use for this document is internally within the organization.
Vivid Image: What the organization is to to look like in 3-5 years.
This document is not typically used but I have found it to be extremely valuable. The document is to be written in the present tense as though it has already happened but should be limited to one page. It is what reporters would see if they visited and conducted interviews with employees, customers and people in the communities where business is conducted. This document should be used within the business.
The process for developing all of these documents is critical. The design should be driven by leadership team but should include input from others. The leadership team should eventually reach a consensus on these documents.
Once the documents have been finalized they need to be shared. Methods of sharing can include: Internet Web Sites, business cards, posted throughout the organization, brochures, etc.
Is your organizations Vision clear and is your leadership team, along with the entire organization, committed to it?
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