Jim Rose
EQ Consulting Services
611 Bear Den Road
Townsend, TN  37882


How effective is the teamwork of your leadership group?


One of the characteristics of a high performance team is that they are continuously looking for means to improve their performance.   Does your team do this?  Most leaders feel they have good teamwork but that is not always true.

Planning a team effectiveness survey

There is a simple way to determine just how strong your team is. 

  • Team Effectiveness Survey is attached that can be used and how the survey used is very important.
  • First of all the questions can be changed if you determine that to be appropriate. 
  • Who administers the survey is critical. 
    • The administrator should be someone that the team would trust. 
    • The leader could just send the survey to his team and ask them to provide their assessment and return it because the truth will not always be expressed. 
    • Frequently this is an outside resource such as a consultant. 
  • All members of the team should be told that responses from specific individuals will not be shared. 
  • The administrator will simply summarize the feedback and share the results with the team that took the survey. 

Using information obtained from the survey

  • When the survey summary is presented to the team the information should be sorted with the areas in the most need for improvement at the top and the least at the bottom.
  • Then the group should discuss the items at the top and develop a plan for changes they should make to improve their teamwork.
  • This discussion would best be conducted by an administrator, facilitator or consultant. 
  • A plan would be developed that identified actions needed along with who will lead those efforts and by when they should be completed.
  • Follow up sessions are needed to ensure follow through.  Additional actions can be added as the group determines it to be appropriate.
  • At some point in time the survey, or portions of it, should be taken again to monitor the effectiveness of the plan


Are you brave enough to find out just how effectively your leadership group functions as a team?

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